Memoirs Of A Nut

Thursday, November 09, 2006

reflective contradiction

Freestyle poetry for youz guyz:
When does the world look better,
After all the calamity has ended?
Or when the evil tyrants have fallen?
the story is never over,
and the calamity never ends,
the tyrants never fall,
they just fall back and regroup
to destroy another day.
Perhaps the evil is within ourselves,
we just choose to deny it,
or blame the would-be tyrant.
Never choose the easy route,
the more desireable way,
take the longer journey,
the difficult struggle,
for you will surely rise above
the calmity and tyrants
and be at peace with your surroundings.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Maybe I am...

Johnny Cash made it popular....but he's dead now. Yes! I'm starting to wear a lot of black lately. Not because I'm turning "Emo" or I'm feeling depressed, but because I feel good! Everything's going relatively ok and wearing black relaxes me. Pretty much any dark color relaxes me. I don't really have any real horrible problems or dillemas to try to correct. Although this girl up at Peppers almost busted it on a real slippery floor yesterday and it scared the crap out of me. I almost feel like I'm on the edge of something important thats about to happen to my life but am unsure as to what exactly. Maybe I'm observing my life a little too closely. Maybe I need to change something about me that I've been doing for a while. Thats the real question about life, I guess. Why doesn't it come with instructions or directions? You know? It would be boring, but at least you'd know what was going on. To all, Goodspeed. End.

Abstract Writing Today!:

Malformed poo. It was sooooo chocolatey. Eye came two worn yue uv bahd spellorz? Same box. New cantaloupe. Lovely blood-splattered, eviscerated, maggot-covered, bloated pile of meat which Sock ate. Nigh! Twas the bell of Saint Smurfette. knock and a load of dirty, red, sand-covered eyeballs of CEOs that cheated at checkers? blowhole not included. Arse tommorrow.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Apparently, I need money...

This blog will be decently long...

Peppers Update!:
I'm still doing many doubles, despite a plethargy of new employees being hired and trained. Whats wierd about this week is that I did everything I could to make sure I had this Thursday off, but one of our illustrious DRS's that does the scheduling fubarred and gave me a double to work that day. What the hey?

One of the many lessons I've learned this week is that even if you try your absolute hardest to do whats right, bad shite still happens to you. Take, for example, my bank statement I got yesterday-ish. For some peculiar reason, my parents decide to open it up and take a look at it while I was at work. Well...when I got home, they started telling me that I need to stop spending so much money. I was like, boy! The nerve of them! Not only did they have no right to open my mail, but also telling me how to handle my own money! Actually, I had been spending some.., but compared to what I'm getting paid up at work, I'm really not spending much at all. I've saved quite a bit, and will, in the near future, buy myself a computer. Its kinda irritating though, when I think about all of this.

Abstract Writing Today!:
Was it fled to the 16th degree? I not. came and went for times and then stopped four three times. Socks inside the propellor blade? Even the fake ones? Fantasy 7. Its so fun when the tigers yank on my small intestine! plead in solitude. Collapse and when the girl is flat, slide under her hair follicles. Dried Vanilla Ice Cream Cusp and wet paper straw wrapper around my neck.

Monday, October 30, 2006


First post Woo!

I don't have much time right now to post anything, but trust me more will come soon!